HomeMobile NewsHow to Protect Your Eyes from Mobile Screen: Tips and Tricks

How to Protect Your Eyes from Mobile Screen: Tips and Tricks




  • Introduction about mobile screen
  • Effect of mobile screen on human eyes
  • In this article, we see tips or tricks on how to protect the eyes from mobile screen 

Looking more closely at the problem, we can say that it can have a negative impact on one’s eye health, with symptoms ranging from dryness and irritation to headaches and blurred vision. Because the problems that one develops while using a mobile phone inadequately affect the eyes permanently, it is worthy and advisable to look for ways to avoid such occurrences as opposed to finding a rehabilitation measure when the situation goes out of hand. In this article, we discuss the effect of mobile screens on human eyes and also see some tips on how to protect eyes from mobile phones.

Table of Contents

Mobile Screen

Mobile phone screens are capacitive touch screens. The front panel, which is used to install optical filters throughout the picture generation process, is located last behind the touch-sensitive layer. The backplane is responsible for processing thin-film transistors.

Mainly LCD and OLED which are the two most popular types of mobile phone displays. LCD screen display module includes a polarizer, color filter, TDT, liquid crystal, back plate, and so on. It adopts good color game optimization, has smooth picture quality, and does not hurt the eyes. As of now, it is the biggest-selling mobile phone display screen. The OLED screen display module Consists of polarizers, organic light-emitting layers, glass, TFT, and others, emitting light by itself is thin, flexible, and consumes low power. This is still a fairly new screen display technology at the moment.

Effect of mobile screen on human eyes

  • Eye Strain: Malcom and Winters (2007) stated that eye strain could be caused by long uses of the screens thus convincing many users to complain of discomfort and fatigue.
  • Dry Eyes: When one is using the screens one tends to blink less, this consequently leads to stringy red eyes.
  • Digital Eye Strain (DES): Some of the signs are; headaches, blurred vision, and neck pains.
  • Blue Light Exposure: Exposure to an excessive amount of blue light is capable of suppressing the natural production of melatonin which is associated with sleep regulation.
  • Myopia (Nearsightedness): This reality solidifies the notion that most children who have many hours of screen time, develop myopia.
  • Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS): A cluster of concerns of eye and vision because of the constant use of screens.
  • Temporary Blurred Vision: Screens of this kind hinder clear vision for a while if one continues to use them for a long time.
  • Headaches: Sitting for long with screens will result in eye strain and thus one rises with a pounding headache most of the time.
  • Eye Discomfort: I found that long-hour concentration especially among the eyes leads to eye strain and there is general discomfort in the eyes.
  • Sleep Disruption: Electronic devices, especially those that are used at night display screens give out light and affect the quality of the sleep one gets.
  • Increased Sensitivity to Light: Screen viewing also prolonged for many hours has been associated with worsening or as a cause of light sensitivity of the eyes.
  • Risk of Long-Term Vision Problems: In other words, it has serious consequences: screens may harm people’s vision permanently.

How to protect eyes from mobile screen

  • Adjust Screen Brightness: The variable respectively refers to that it is recommended to adjust the operating contrast to a comfortable level based on the screen brightness and the environment.
  • Use Blue Light Filters: Switch on blue light filters, or use some applications that will reduce the amount of blue light emitted.
  • Maintain Proper Distance: It is recommended that you do not cover your face with the phone or keep it right on your face; preferably keep the distance of arm’s length or more.
  • Increase Text Size: It should be made larger, so when you are reading the content you are not straining your eyes so much.
  • Blink Regularly: Also, one might attempt to use a technique of often blinking to allow the eye to get lubricated.
  • Use Artificial Tears: If you think that your eyes are dry, then you require a drop of some kind of medication to apply to your eyes.
  • Take Frequent Breaks: The tests they should follow are the 20-20-20 rule: they should spend 20 minutes on a task and then look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  • Adjust Screen Position: You also should not place your computer screen in the orientation where it is elevated; ideally, it should be the opposite way, where you have to lower your head slightly to look at it.
  • Wear Computer Glasses: Glasses should be worn which are computer glasses as they can filter the blue component light and also cut off glares.
  • Reduce Glare: Every smartphone and tablet must have an Anti Glare Screen Protector it.
  • Avoid Using Screens Before Bed: Reduce or eliminate exposure to Bright light, especially in the later parts of the day at least an hour before you go to bed.
  • Regular Eye Exams: The message that can be deduced from watching this video is that people especially children should go for an eye checkup often just in case to check up their eyes.
  • Good Lighting: Ensure that your eye is not strained by watching at a very bright or at a very very dark screen by sitting in a well-illuminated room.
  • Enable Night Mode: activate the night mode of the phone to allow you to easily read your gadgets, especially at night without stressing your eyes.


As the use of mobile phones increases day by day, we need to keep our eyes safe from the rays coming from mobile screens. It is a very essential aspect for this generation. With the help of this article, you will learn some tips regarding the effect of mobile screens on human eyes and also see some tips on how to protect our eyes from mobile screens.


How does eye protection work on mobile?

Manufacturers began to provide eye protection modes to filter blue light through hardware and software techniques. The software technique reduces the blue light component by reducing the correlated color temperature (CCT) and luminance of the screen manually. 

How harmful is mobile for the eyes?

Mobile phones emit high-energy blue light, which can penetrate deep into the eye and potentially cause damage to the retina over time. Prolonged exposure to blue light, especially before bedtime, may disrupt sleep patterns by suppressing melatonin production, leading to insomnia and other sleep-related issues.

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