HomeSoftware and App NewsMost Common Types Of Email Attacks

Most Common Types Of Email Attacks




  • Introduction to email attacks 
  • Types of email attacks
  • In this article, we explore how to protect yourself from email attacks

In this generation, email is an essential source for professionals and organizations for work and interconnection activities. But there are also people who attempt to damage our Internet-connected computers, violate our privacy, and render inoperable Internet services. To protect against email attacks, it’s essential to use strong email security practices, such as using secure email providers, enabling spam filters, implementing multi-factor authentication, and educating employees or users about potential threats and how to recognize and avoid them.

Email Attacks

Email attacks are the unauthorized activities that come under cyber crime done by cybercriminals to exploit personal information and data. Email is a universal service used by over a billion people worldwide. As one of the most popular services, email has become a major vulnerability to users and organizations.

Scammers have a handful of tricks up their sleeves to fool people into clicking malicious links or handing over their personal information, and they use the same approach time after time. In this article, we explore different types of email attacks and how we protect our data or information from these types of malicious activities.

Types Of Email Attacks


  • A form of fraud where cybercriminals use email, instant messaging, or social media to gather information such as login credentials.
  • Cybercriminals majorly target the reputable persons or organizations.
  • The intent is to trick recipients into installing malware or sharing personal/financial information.
  • Emails appear to come from trusted sources, like banks or online retailers.
  • Aim to trick users into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.


  • Criminals can spoof calls from authorized sources using voice-over IP technology.
  • Victims may receive a recorded message that appears authorized.
  • Goal is to obtain credit card numbers or other personal information to steal the victim’s identity.
  • Takes advantage of the trust people have in the telephone network.
  • Personalized to increase the likelihood of the victim falling for the attack.
  • Highly effective as the attacker has researched the victim to make the email seem more legitimate.


  • Phishing using text messaging on mobile phones.
  • Criminals impersonate a legitimate source to gain the victim’s trust.
  • Example: A smishing attack might send the victim a website link.
  • When the victim visits the website, malware is installed on the mobile phone.


  • A type of spear phishing that focuses on high-level executives or other high-value targets.
  • Emails are designed to look like they come from senior executives (e.g., CEO, CFO).
  • Often involves requests for money transfers or other sensitive information.
  • Highly lucrative for attackers, as they can potentially steal large sums of money or valuable information.


  • Involves impersonation of an authorized website.
  • Aims to deceive users into entering their credentials.
  • Misdirects users to a fake website that appears official.
  • Victims enter personal information, believing they are on a legitimate site.


  • Software that enables criminals to obtain information about a user’s computer activities.
  • Often includes:
  • Activity trackers
  • Keystroke collection
  • Data capture
  • Modifies security settings to overcome security measures.
  • Often bundles itself with legitimate software or Trojan horses.
  • Many shareware websites are filled with spyware.


  • Persuades users to take specific actions based on fear.
  • Forges pop-up windows resembling operating system dialogue windows.
  • Pop-ups convey false messages stating:
  • The system is at risk.
  • A specific program needs to be executed to return to normal operation.
  • If the user agrees and allows the program to execute, malware infects the system.


  • Displays annoying pop-ups to generate revenue for its authors.
  • Often tracks user interests by analyzing websites visited.
  • Sends pop-up advertisements relevant to the user’s browsing habits.
  • Some versions of software automatically install adware without user consent.


  • Unsolicited email is often used for advertising purposes.
  • Can also contain harmful links, malware, or deceptive content.
  • Goal is to obtain sensitive information like social security numbers or bank account details.
  • Typically originates from multiple computers on virus or worm-infected networks.
  • Compromised computers send out large volumes of bulk emails indiscriminately.

Protect Yourself From Email Attacks

Implement multi-factor authentication

  • Adds an extra layer of security to the login process.
  • Requires users to provide at least two forms of identification to access an account.
  • Significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, even if a password is compromised.
  • Common forms of MFA include:
  • One-time codes sent via SMS or email.
  • Authentication apps (e.g., Google Authenticator, Authy).
  • Biometrics such as fingerprint or facial recognition.
  • Physical security tokens (e.g., RSA SecurID).

Use a Spam Filter

  • Help reduce the amount of unwanted emails reaching users’ inboxes.
  • Automatically filter out spam to minimize the risk of opening malicious emails.
  • Use various techniques including:
  • Content analysis to detect spammy characteristics in emails.
  • Machine learning algorithms to adapt and improve filtering accuracy over time.
  • Reputation-based filtering to assess the trustworthiness of email senders.
  • Many email security solutions integrate built-in spam filtering capabilities.
  • Standalone spam filters are also available for organizations needing dedicated spam protection.

Educate Employees

  • Teach employees to examine sender email addresses carefully.
  • Train them to check for typos, grammatical errors, and unusual language.
  • Instruct on hovering over links to verify their destinations before clicking.
  • Encourage employees to avoid clicking on suspicious links or opening unexpected attachments.
  • Advise them to verify the sender’s identity through a trusted communication channel before interacting with the email.

Deploying an Email Security Solution

  • Utilizes multiple scanning engines and threat intelligence to enhance email safety.
  • Protects against various threats including phishing, spam, commodity malware, and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.
  • Leverages hardware-based and software-based tracking to detect evasive threats effectively.
  • Proprietary software algorithms scan code at the CPU level to intercept attacks at the exploit stage, preventing malware delivery.
  • Easy deployment process ensures quick integration into existing systems.
  • Analyzes email content within seconds, providing rapid threat detection and response.
  • Scales efficiently to handle email traffic of any size, leveraging cloud flexibility for seamless operation.


As the technology grow with time in this world the cyber attacks like emails attacks also at peak which exploit data or information and some time it also happen with national security services which is very typical situation for the nation. Cybercriminals frequently adapt their tactics, compelling organizations to adopt a proactive approach to email security. Explore the upcoming email security trends in 2024 to stay informed and protect your digital communication.


What is Phishing?

Phishing is a type of attack carried out in order to steal information or money. Phishing attacks can occur through email, phone calls, texts, instant messaging, or social media.

How can I identify a Phishing scam?

The first rule to remember is to never give out any personal information in an email.  No institution, bank or otherwise, will ever ask for this information via email.  It may not always be easy to tell whether an email or website is legitimate and phishing emails are using social engineering tactics to make create sophisticated scams.

Do I only need to worry about Phishing attacks via email?

No.  Phishing attacks can also occur through phone calls, texts, instant messaging, or malware on your computer which can track how you use your computer and send valuable information to identity thieves. It is important to be vigilant at all times and remain suspicious of sources that ask for your credentials and other personal information.

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