HomeMobile NewsReasons for iPhone Battery Draining and Strategies to Control It

Reasons for iPhone Battery Draining and Strategies to Control It




  • Introduction iPhone Battery Draining.
  • In this article, we cover the reasons for draining iPhone batteries.
  • Strategies to control rapid draining in iPhone

This is extremely frustrating, it’s most annoying when you are not at home and need to use your phone only for it not to respond due to insufficient battery power. Unknown to many, one can drain the life of their battery without realizing it, and managing them will see your battery last longer. Therefore, some leading causes of fast-dying mobile phone batteries are described in this article. In this article, we see why the smartphone’s battery is draining and also explore some good smartphones in the market with heavy battery backup.

iPhone Battery Draining

Have you noticed that the battery on the iPhone is dying too quickly? Having to always carry a phone that feels like an extension of your body is something you probably expect to be a bit annoying, but it’s the thing you should be most concerned about. Alternatively, you are aware that there are still several issues that cause your iPhone’s battery to discharge more quickly and that there are techniques to extend its lifespan.

This article will help to examine the common causes of iPhone quick battery draining and provide issues and fixes to assist you extend the life of your battery.

Reasons Behind the Battery Draining in iPhones

Background App Activity:

Apps running in the background continue to use resources and consume battery power.

High Screen Brightness:

Keeping the screen brightness at a high level significantly drains the battery.

Frequent Notifications:

Constant notifications keep the phone active, consuming battery life.

Location Services:

GPS and other location services continuously run in the background, draining the battery.

Push Email:

The phone frequently checks for new emails, using battery power.

Background App Refresh:

Apps refreshing their content in the background consume battery life.

Poor Signal Strength:

The phone uses more power searching for a signal in areas with poor reception.

Old Battery:

Over time, batteries degrade and lose their ability to hold a charge efficiently.

Resource-Intensive Apps:

Apps that require a lot of processing power, like games and video editing apps, drain the battery quickly.

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi:

Keeping Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on constantly uses battery power, even when not actively in use.

Software Updates:

Some software updates may cause increased battery consumption due to new features or bugs.


Widgets on the home screen can drain the battery by continuously updating their content.

Heat Exposure:

Exposure to high temperatures can degrade battery performance and increase battery drain.

Vibration Mode:

The vibration motor uses more power than simple ringtones.

Screen Timeout Settings:

Longer screen timeout settings keep the display on for extended periods, using more power.

Battery-Draining Apps:

Certain apps are known to be particularly power-hungry and can significantly drain the battery.

Outdated Software:

Not updating to the latest software can cause inefficiencies that drain the battery.

Multiple Account Syncing:

Syncing multiple accounts (e.g., email, contacts, calendars) can drain the battery.

High-Resolution Display:

Higher screen resolution uses more battery power.

Strategies to overcome rapid draining in iPhones

Manage Background Activity:

Limit the number of apps allowed to run in the background.

Adjust Screen Brightness:

Use auto-brightness or manually lower screen brightness.

Control Notifications:

Turn off non-essential notifications.

Optimize Location Services:

Turn off location services for apps that do not need them.

Check Email Manually:

Reduce the frequency of email checks or set them to manual.

Disable Background App Refresh:

Turn off the background app refresh for non-essential apps.

Monitor Signal Strength:

Avoid using the phone in areas with poor reception or use airplane mode when necessary.

Replace Old Batteries:

Replace the battery if it is old and degraded.

Limit Intensive App Usage:

Use resource-heavy apps sparingly.

Turn Off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi:

Disable these services when not in use.


A good battery backup is needed in today’s workaholic world for daily purpose use of smartphones. Rapid draining is a common problem in smartphones but phone companies continuously working to enhance the battery backup from previous versions. With this article, you can get knowledge about the reasons for rapid battery-draining iPhones and here we also help with our strategies on rapid draining in iPhones.


What makes phone battery drain fast?

If your phone’s battery is draining faster than usual, it either means you’re using a lot of energy or your phone is not using energy efficiently. This could mean you’re overworking your phone by running too many applications, or something is physically wrong with the phone battery itself.

Does dark mode save battery?

Dark mode setting has become an increasingly popular battery-saving feature in smartphones. But the option is unlikely to make a big difference in extending a phone’s battery life as promoted by both Android and iOS, according to a study by Purdue University

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