HomeAppleiPhone SE 4 CAD renders are leaked with similar design of iPhone...

iPhone SE 4 CAD renders are leaked with similar design of iPhone 14




  • iPhone SE 4 CAD renders are leaked.
  • iPhone SE 4 will come with a 6.1-inch display with Face ID.
  • iPhone SE 4 may debut in 2025 or it will debut later this year along with iPhone 16 series.

iPhone SE 4

Apple is working on its next SE device i.e iPhone SE 4. Recently many details about the iPhone SE 4 have leaked. Now iPhone SE 4 CAD renders are leaked which reveals the device will come with a 6.1-inch display with Face ID which is arranged in Apple style broader U-shaped notch like on iPhone 13/14.

iPhone SE 4 (leaked) CAD renders details

iPhone SE 4 CAD renders are leaked by 91Mobiles, Previous iPhone SE devices come with broad bezels on top & bottom with Home button and Now according to the leaked CAD renders of iPhone SE 4. Device will be a 6.1-inch display with Face ID which will be arranged in Apple style broad U-shaped notch which is similar to iPhone 13/14.

iPhone SE 4 CAD renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (2)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (3)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (4)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (5)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (6)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (7)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (8)
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iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (2)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (3)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (4)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (5)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (6)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (7)
iPhone SE 4 CAD Renders (8)
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But on the back iPhone SE 4 will also come with a single rear camera and LED flash like its predecessors. iPhone SE 4 has dimensions 147.7 x 71.5 x 7.7 mm which is similar to iPhone 13 and iPhone 14. Which also corroborates with last year MacRumors report which suggests iPhone SE 4 may come with Action Button, USB Type-C port (Both things are unclear in iPhone SE 4 CAD renders).

iPhone SE 4 is expected to make its debut in 2025, but the device might debut this year along with iPhone 16 series which is released in September later this year.

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